Our Services

Electric power trading business consulting
Electricity market risk management support

Although it is a major field in overseas markets, it has been attracting attention in Japan since the liberalization of electricity, but we believe that it will take some time before we can approach the market and establish a market environment such as the financial market. increase. However, as we continue to take the initiative in the rapidly changing environment, we will continue to work towards revitalizing the market, relying on the experience and relationships we have cultivated through access to the energy market. We would like to do our utmost to support the voices of wanting to enter the developing market as soon as possible and always leading the market.
We will provide business support in stages
Responsible for how to create a risk management system that suits your company, how to select hedging means, support for transactions through the electricity market, market price verification, forward curve (internal evaluation rate) verification, exchange support with overseas markets, etc. We will support the creation of a system that will take root in the internal system together with the people.
Efforts to enter new markets

New possibilities come from free inspiration
As a risk management advisor, we would like to work with everyone participating in the new electric power business to think about optimal risk management based on each situation.
"What your company wants"
Optimal balance between physical and futures trading, is the current trading price reasonable?
I want to tighten cost play and secure profitability as much as possible
Visualize risk
Let's visualize the cost
So I will answer what you can see and what to do.
To clarify "what is not visible at this time".
First of all, we will work together to strengthen the risk management system.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between VaR and Ear?
The difference is what you consider to be a risk.
Is there a difference in the measurement method between VaR and EaR?
There is no difference in what you do. However, there are differences in the conditions for seeking an answer.
Let's start by measuring whether the degree of risk matches the business level and the basis for that number.
I don't know what to start with when it comes to hedging.
Everyone is together.
The method of procuring electricity is fixed with JEPX, so what kind of product do you use to hedge the fixed price? Do you recognize your company's maximum Kwh throughout the year? (For example, do you know what the maximum loss amount is as of January when the JEPX market moves by 3 yen?)
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